奉獻 Donation
教會的各樣事工都非常需要您的支持,若您有感動為喜樂泉禱告教會奉獻,請開支票到 FOJPC。我們會在年末的時候為你開具抵稅收據。教會地址: 1350 Warner Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94087
愿神紀念您的奉獻! Checks can be made out to FOJPC and mailed to Fountain Of Joy Prayer Church, 1350 Warner Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94087. Or. you can send money by Zelle: [email protected] The QR code for this account is in the following file: qrcode_donate4fojpc.jpg A tax deductible receipt will be mailed to you at the end of the year, |