宣教事工 Mission Work
《同心合意》 中文版已在台灣出版!

感謝主!經過許多主內同工以及弟兄姐妹們的努力,《Together We…》一書的翻譯和校對工作已告一段落。相信在今年春末這本書的中文版就可以在中國大陸以及臺灣和大家見面了!
讚美主,讓我們能見證主裡的愛,見證主裡的“同心合意”! 甚願神祝福這本書的出版工作。甚願神透過這本書祝福世界各地的華人!
讚美主,讓我們能見證主裡的愛,見證主裡的“同心合意”! 甚願神祝福這本書的出版工作。甚願神透過這本書祝福世界各地的華人!
Together We 我們同心
配合新書 “Together We….” 出版,我們正禱告求主指示在美國本地及其他國家的宣教事工。我們的使命是走向神選定的土地,見證福音本是神的大能。我們誠然相信主耶稣如何建造喜樂泉禱告教會,祂也必建造所有同心禱告的教會。
With the Missions work through the new book: "Together We ....". We are praying to the Lord for direction on how we can use this book as an outreach tool in not only the United States, but also other countries as well. Our mission is to follow God to his chosen land and to witness that the Gospel demonstrates the power of God. We believe the Lord Jesus is with us in our journey to create a prayer-centered church.
With the Missions work through the new book: "Together We ....". We are praying to the Lord for direction on how we can use this book as an outreach tool in not only the United States, but also other countries as well. Our mission is to follow God to his chosen land and to witness that the Gospel demonstrates the power of God. We believe the Lord Jesus is with us in our journey to create a prayer-centered church.